Norton Commando Restoration Manual (Hardcover)
作者: Norman White 
分類: Motorcycles: general interest  
書城編號: 1895593

原價: HK$560.00
現售: HK$532 節省: HK$28

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出版日期: 2020/11/23
尺寸: 296x210x22mm
重量: 1080 grams
ISBN: 9781785007590
>> 相關電子書


With more than 700 colour photographs, Norton Commando Restoration Manual provides step-by-step guides to restoring every component of this classic bike. Topics covered include how to find a worthy restoration project; setting up a workshop with key tools and equipment; dismantling the motorcycle to restore the chassis, engine cradle and swing arm; restoring the isolastic suspension, forks and steering; tackling the engine, transmission, carburettors, electrics, ignition and instruments and, finally, overhauling wheels and brakes, and replacing tyres. There is also a chapter on the assembly of a restored 'Five Times Machine of the Year' motorcycle.

Norman White 作者作品表

Norton Commando Restoration Manual (Hardcover)

eBook: Norton Commando Restoration Manual (DRM EPUB)

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