Ceramic Burners for Model Steam Boilers (Paperback)
作者: Alex Weiss 
分類: Engines & power transmission  
書城編號: 1895594

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版日期: 2020/10/26
尺寸: 246x189x13mm
重量: 492 grams
ISBN: 9781785007651

This book covers the materials needed to make ceramic burners and explains how to silver solder them. It discusses LPG and holding tanks, as well as connecting pipework and electronic and mechanical automatic gas-control systems to monitor the boiler pressure. In addition, there is advice on how to set up, install and operate each burner to provide optimum heating to the boiler. A summary of the Boiler Test Code Volume 3 that applies to home-made gas tanks is included, together with a list of useful suppliers with their contact details. This book provides all the information you need to build and operate: three burners, with one variant, for boilers with 42mm, 35mm and 28mm horizontal flues; two round burners for vertical boilers with fire boxes; two different sizes of rectangular burner, with one variant, for use in horizontal water-tube or pot boilers and finally, one small round and one tiny oblong burner for use in Mamod and Wilesco boilers. The burners described are straightforward to make and simple to use to heat the water in boilers that meet the 3 bar litre limit in the UK Boiler Test Code.
Alex Weiss 作者作品表

Ceramic Burners for Model Steam Boilers (Paperback)

Workshop Electrics (Paperback)

Workshop Machinery (Paperback)

Bearings (Paperback)

Workshop Materials (Paperback)

R/C Sports Aircraft from Scratch (Paperback)

Take Off: All About Radio Controlled Model Aircraft (Paperback)

Plastics for Modellers (Paperback)

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