Rapport (Hardcover)
作者: Emily Alison 
分類: Social, group or collective psychology ,
Cognition & cognitive psychology ,
Popular psychology  
書城編號: 1895600

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版社: Ebury Press
出版日期: 2021/09/14
尺寸: 216x135x26mm
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781785042065
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All of us have to deal with difficult people. Whether we're asking our neighbor to move a fence or our boss for a pay rise, we can struggle to avoid arguments and get what we want. Laurence and Emily Alison are world leaders in forensic psychology, and they specialize in the most difficult interactions imaginable: criminal interrogations. They advise and train the police, security agencies, the FBI, and the CIA on how to deal with extremely dangerous suspects when the stakes are high. After 30 years' work--and unprecedented access to 2,000 hours of terrorist interrogations--they have developed a ground-breaking model of interpersonal communication. This deceptively simple approach to handling any encounter works as well for teenagers as it does for terrorists. Now it's time to share it with the world. Rapport reveals that every interaction follows four styles: Control (the lion), Capitulate (the mouse), Confront (the Tyrannosaur) and Co-operate (the monkey). As soon as you understand these styles and your own goals you can shape any conversation at will, and you'll be closer to the real secret: how to create instant rapport.
Emily Alison 作者作品表

eBook: Arta de a citi oamenii: Cum sa stabilesti conexiuni cu oricine in orice imprejurare (DRM EPUB)

Rapport (Hardcover)

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