MATCHES THE LATEST EXAM! Let us supplement your AP classroom experience with this multi-platform study guide. The immensely popular 5 Steps to a 5: Elite Student Edition has been updated for the 2021-22 school year and now contains:
3 full-length practice exams (available both in the book and online) that reflect the latest exam
"5 Minutes to a 5" section with a 5-minute activity for each day of the school year that reinforces the most important concepts covered in class
Access to a robust online platform
Hundreds of practice exercises with thorough answer explanations
Comprehensive overview of the AP Calculus AB exam format
Step-by-step explanations for nearly 800 AP Calculus AB problems
An appendix of common formulas and theorems frequently tested on the exam
Proven strategies specific to each section of the test
A self-guided study plan including flashcards, games, and more online