Troeon: Turnings (Paperback)
作者: Philip Gross 
分類: Poetry ,
Poetry anthologies (various poets) ,
書城編號: 19272239

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Seren Books
出版日期: 2021/05/22
ISBN: 9781781726068

"To turn, to dig, to plough, to upset, to translate... Bend, lap, journey, time..." The Welsh word troeon unfolds meaning after meaning. In TROEON: TURNINGS, two poets confident in their own traditions meet in the hinterland between translation and collaboration--Cyril Jones from the disciplines of Welsh cynghanedd, Philip Gross from the restless variety of English verse. Rather than lamenting the impossibility of reproducing any language's unique knots of form and content in translation, they trust each other to explore the energies released. In the cloud chamber, atoms tear, spin, split, translate the past and future into spirals, spun silk, sheer release, the heart of the matter. In the same spirit, Valerie Coffin Price plays an equal part with striking letterpress designs that surprise the language of both writers into new awareness of its possibilities.
Philip Gross 作者作品表

Between the Islands (Paperback)

Dark Sky Park (Paperback)

Bright Acoustic (Paperback)

Love Songs of Carbon (Paperback)

Fold in the River (Paperback)

eBook: Growing Brands Through Sponsorship: An Empirical Investigation of Brand Image Transfer in a Sponsorship Alliance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Lastling (DRM EPUB)

Later (Paperback)

Deep Field (Paperback)

Off Road to Everywhere (Paperback)

Water Table (Paperback)

eBook: Facetaker (DRM EPUB)

Changes of Address (Hardcover)

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