Frankie's Food Truck Fiasco Game!
系列: Age 3-6
書城編號: 19382745

售價: $335.90

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Educational Insights
ISBN: EI3414



The Big Idea:
Order up! Foodies unite! Get a taste of these shape-tastic recipes for fun! Business at Frankie’s famous food truck is brisk! Kids take turns using the Frankie Squeezer to fill scrumptious orders. The first to deliver a 5-course meal is the winner!

Shh…They’re Learning!
Practices identifying geometric shapes
Develops fine motor skills
Improves strategic thinking skills
Encourages social skills and turn-taking

Cut to the Chase:
Board game designed to teach young children about shapes
Simple to play and understand
Quick, fun game that can be played in a short time
Easy setup and cleanup
Fourth preschool Squeezer Game based on the award-winning Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel game

Age 3-6

太極球-大 / Tai-Chi Ball (L)

閃電蹺蹺板 / Seesaw A

動能平衡板 / Putt Putt Balance Board

太極平衡板(小) / Tai-Chi Balance Board (S)

太極平衡板(大) / Tai-Chi Balance Board (L)

圓形的平衡板 / Circular Balancing Board

蝸牛平衡板 / Maze Balancing Board

三輪賽車 / Easy Trike

歡樂腳行車 / Walking Bike

猴子蹺蹺板 / Seesaw B

Weplay炫風車 / Weplay Tuk Tuk

森林派對 / Forest Party

搖滾蹺蹺板 / Rocking Seesaw

波浪觸覺步道 (藍色海洋) / Wavy Tactile Path (Blue)

彩虹河石 / Rainbow River Stone

踩踏平衡觸覺板(曲線) / Tactile Curve Path

踩踏平衡觸覺板(直線) / Tactile Straight Path

踩踏平衡觸覺板(綜合組) / Tactile Path

踩踏平衡觸覺板(8字型 / Tactile Path

燕尾滑板車 / Push Scooter

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