Frida's Fruit Fiesta Game
系列: Age 3-6
書城編號: 19382759

售價: $340.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Educational Insights
ISBN: EI3412


It's lunch time in the rainforest and Frida is collecting letters for her little ones! Spin the letter spinners, search your nest card for a match, squeeze the matching alpha-fruit with the toucan squeezers, and place it in your nest. Find 4 alpha-fruits in a row first and you win. But look out for the lion: He'll feast on your fruits! 2-4 players

Ages 4+

How to play
1. Each player gets one nest card and then takes turns spinning all three spinners.

2. The player then chooses one of the letters on the spinners.

3. The player needs to match the letter fruit bowl to one of the spaces on his or her nest card.

4. Play continues until one player gets four letter fruit bowl in a row.

Age 3-6

太極球-大 / Tai-Chi Ball (L)

閃電蹺蹺板 / Seesaw A

動能平衡板 / Putt Putt Balance Board

太極平衡板(小) / Tai-Chi Balance Board (S)

太極平衡板(大) / Tai-Chi Balance Board (L)

圓形的平衡板 / Circular Balancing Board

蝸牛平衡板 / Maze Balancing Board

三輪賽車 / Easy Trike

歡樂腳行車 / Walking Bike

猴子蹺蹺板 / Seesaw B

Weplay炫風車 / Weplay Tuk Tuk

森林派對 / Forest Party

搖滾蹺蹺板 / Rocking Seesaw

波浪觸覺步道 (藍色海洋) / Wavy Tactile Path (Blue)

彩虹河石 / Rainbow River Stone

踩踏平衡觸覺板(曲線) / Tactile Curve Path

踩踏平衡觸覺板(直線) / Tactile Straight Path

踩踏平衡觸覺板(綜合組) / Tactile Path

踩踏平衡觸覺板(8字型 / Tactile Path

燕尾滑板車 / Push Scooter

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