Introducing Morphology (0003Revised) (Paperback)
分類: linguistics ,
ELT: learning material & coursework ,
ELT self-study texts ,
ELT examinations & certificates ,
書城編號: 19599619

售價: $364.00

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出版社: Cambridge Univ Pr
出版日期: 2021/11/30
ISBN: 9781108958486

A lively introduction to morphology, this textbook is intended for undergraduates with relatively little background in linguistics. It shows students how to find and analyze morphological data and presents them with basic concepts and terminology concerning the mental lexicon, inflection, derivation, morphological typology, productivity, and the interfaces between morphology and syntax on the one hand and phonology on the other. By the end of the text students are ready to understand morphological theory and how to support or refute theoretical proposals. Providing data from a wide variety of languages, the text includes hands-on activities designed to encourage students to gather and analyse their own data. The third edition has been thoroughly updated with new examples and exercises. Chapter 2 now includes an updated detailed introduction to using linguistic corpora, and there is a new final chapter covering several current theoretical frameworks.
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