Sammy the Seal (I Can Read Book 1) (Paperback)
作者: Syd Hoff 
分類: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes  
書城編號: 196514

原價: HK$50.00
現售: HK$47.5 節省: HK$2.5

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出版社: HarperCollins
出版日期: 2000/01/05
頁數: 64
重量: 0.11 kg
ISBN: 9780064442701

A seal at school!

What happens when Sammy, the adventurous seal, leaves the zoo for the day? He goes to the city, finds a school full of kids and new things to do -- and he even learns to read!

Syd Hoff 作者作品表

The Ruling Clawss: The Socialist Cartoons of Syd Hoff (Paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur Ride a Bike (Paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur: The Big Sneeze (hardcover)

Danny and the Dinosaur: Big Reading Collection (Paperback)

Santa's Moose (Paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur and the Big Storm (Paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur: First Valentine's Day (Paperback)

The Danny and the Dinosaur Storybook Collection: 5 Beloved Stories (I Can Read Level 1) Hardcover

Danny and the Dinosaur: Happy Halloween (Paperback)

eBook: Syd Hoff's Dinosaur Stories and More (DRM EPUB)

Danny and the Dinosaur: Too Tall (Paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur and the New Puppy (Paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur 50th Anniversary Box Set (I Can Read Book 1)

Danny and the Dinosaur (Paperback)

Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! [With CD (Audio)] (paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur Book and CD (I Can Read Level 1) Paperback

The Horse in Harry's Room (paperback)

Sammy the Seal (I Can Read Book 1) (Paperback)

Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp (Paperback)

The Lighthouse Children (An I Can Read Book)

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