商品特色: 整體認知價值=解決方案本身+[個人品牌價值 fx(方案提供者,方案介紹者,方案執行者)] The total perceived value = the solution itself + personal brand value fx ( solution provider, solution presentator, solution executioner )
第五章 縱使沒有行銷或溝通專業,你也能進行一流水準的行銷溝通 不是毛利率與淨利,這才是世界知名品牌追求的資產 Message of ONE 小樽觀光團隊真正厲害的地方:Power of Consistency 普渡大學消費者行為博士給我的重要一課 快速建立關係與信任的秘密武器 北風與太陽,推與拉的效果不同 德商公司:把你的工作做好,客戶就會想跟我們續約
Hank was by far the first in the Chinese-speaking world who took an initiative to adopt Bonjoro. Based on a few discussions, he used our tool to engage his clients and readers, and was kind enough to share his ideas with me to help our team to improve the product. His input was very valuable, and this was why we invited him to join our community in the Chinese-speaking world. In our community, he actively shared his tips with members on how to effectively use Bonjoro to build a personal brand while reinforcing engagement. I identify with his ideas in the book: being human is key to making yourself stand out. Through his book and leadership, I believe more and more people in the Chinese-speaking world will learn about Bonjoro and effectively expose their personalities via it. I wish that his second book, like his first book, will be a bestseller again! Bonjoro is very pleased to play a critical part to help Hank's readers to build a powerful personal brand. Go Hank!
Matthe Barnett Co-founder from Bonjoro (Sydney), Papa Bear