The Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tales Box Set (Paperback)
作者: Kate Ashwin 
書城編號: 19758010

原價: HK$450.00
現售: HK$427.5 節省: HK$22.5

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出版社: Iron Circus Comics
出版日期: 2022/03/01
重量: 1.81 kg
ISBN: 9781945820946


The first three books in the "Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tales" series from Iron Circus Comics is now available in an attractive box set! Including The Girl Who Married A Skull, The Nixie of the Mill-Pond, and Tamamo the Fox Maiden, the Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tales Box Set contains over 600 pages of comics chronicling traditional folk tales from Africa, Europe, and Asia, both the well-known and the obscure. A fantastic present for the young reader in your life, eager to learn about traditional stories from around the world.

Features work by a plethora of well-known creators, including CARLA SPEED MCNEIL, NILAH MAGRUDER, JOSE PIMIENTA, and GENE LUEN YANG.

Kate Ashwin 作者作品表

Hit The Ground Running (Paperback)

The Lizard Prince and Other South American Stories (Paperback)

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