The Unanswered Self: The Masterson Approach to the Healing of Personality Disorder (Paperback)
作者: Candace Orcutt 
分類: The self, ego, identity, personality ,
Clinical psychology ,
書城編號: 19863767

售價: $630.00

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出版社: Confer Books
出版日期: 2022/02/15
ISBN: 9781913494322
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James F. Masterson pioneered an innovative clinical approach to the dynamic psychotherapy of personality disorder. Masterson held that borderline, narcissistic, and schizoid conditions begin when growth of outer relationship and inner object relatedness is inhibited at focal stages of the development of the self. A therapeutic relationship addressed to the specific developmental needs of a troubled personality, he believed, frees the natural progress of the self toward fulfilment. This review of Masterson's legacy cites his later integration of neurobiology as well as attachment theory and considers inclusion of such post-Masterson concepts as self-state theory. Clinical examples are offered throughout to illustrate this dynamic approach to a therapeutic challenge now at the forefront of today's caseloads.
Candace Orcutt 作者作品表

eBook: Unanswered Self (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Trauma in Personality Disorder: A Clinician'S Handbook the Masterson Approach (DRM EPUB)

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