Rural Futures: 21st Century Transformation for the Naturenomicstm Future (Paperback)
作者: Joanna Dawson 
分類: Rural communities ,
Environment law ,
Climate change  
書城編號: 19921387

售價: $1400.00

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出版社: Elsevier Ltd
出版日期: 2021/11/01
ISBN: 9780323902908

Rural Futures: 21st Century Transformation for the NaturenomicsTM Future offers new perspectives on reconciling human and biodiversity needs for a movement toward more holistic sustainable development, where environmental concerns are centered and tackled. Through a rich body of global case studies that focus on rural communities, the book presents practical examples, both past and present, for practitioners and researchers to learn from, adapt to their individual contexts, and implement. Additionally, the theoretical frameworks offer recommendations for redesigning policy, reshaping action in the field, and shining a light on the need for new areas of research.

Each thematic section includes one chapter dedicated to theoretical explorations, two or three chapters focusing on practical challenges and opportunities for action, and at least one case study. Utilizing this combination of theory and practice, the book explores how social and ecological factors intersect in the field and how they impact results for rural communities impacted by deforestation.

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