The Origins of Science Fiction (Hardcover)
作者: Michael Newton 
分類: Anthologies (non-poetry) ,
Classic fiction (pre c 1945) ,
Classic horror & ghost stories ,
Classic science fiction ,
Short stories  
書城編號: 19971983

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2022/01/03
ISBN: 9780198853619

'Few travelled in these days, for, thanks to the advance of science, the earth was exactly alike all over. Rapid intercourse, from which the previous civilization had hoped so much, had ended by defeating itself. What was the good of going to Peking when it was just like Shrewsbury?', The Machine Stops, E. M. Forster

This anthology provides a selection of science-fiction tales from the close of the 'Romantic' period to the end of the First World War. It gathers together classic short stories, from Edgar Allan Poe's playful hoaxes to Gertrude Barrows Bennett's feminist fantasy. In this way, the book shows the vitality and literary diversity of the field, and also expresses something of the potent appeal of the visionary, the fascination with science, and the allure of an imagined future that characterised this period. An excellent resource for those interested in science fiction, and also an essential volume for understanding the development of the genre.

In his introduction, Michael Newton draws together literary influences from Jonathan Swift to Mary Shelley, the interest in the irrational and dreaming mind, and the relation of the tales to the fact of Empire and the discoveries made by anthropology. He also considers how the figure of the alien and non-human 'other' complicated contemporary definitions of the human being.

Michael Newton 作者作品表

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eBook: Origins of Science Fiction (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Boss of Murder, Inc.: The Criminal Life of Albert Anastasia (DRM EPUB)

Show People (Hardcover)

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eBook: Warriors of the Word: The World of the Scottish Highlanders (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology: A Global Guide to Hidden Animals and Their Pursuers (DRM PDF)

Victorian Fairy Tales (Paperback)

eBook: White Robes and Burning Crosses: A History of the Ku Klux Klan from 1866 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hate Crime in America, 1968-2013: A Chronology of Offenses, Legislation and Related Events (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hate Crime in America, 1968-2013: A Chronology of Offenses, Legislation and Related Events (DRM EPUB)

eBook: FBI and the KKK: A Critical History (DRM PDF)

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Victorian Fairy Tales (Hardcover)

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