Matt Saunders: Poems of Our Climate (Hardcover)
作者: Matt Saunders 
分類: Individual artists, art monographs  
書城編號: 19981506

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Dancing Foxes Pr
出版日期: 2021/10/05
ISBN: 9781733688987


Drawing on avant-garde cinema and found photographs, Saunders' multimedia works explore the mobility and affective power of images

This publication encompasses eight years of work by Cambridge, MA- and Berlin-based artist Matt Saunders (born 1975), who engages painting as a time-based medium through cameraless photography, animation, and innovative painting and printmaking processes. Best known for his haunting portraits and landscapes (using imagery culled from avant-garde cinema and found photographs) and moving-image works, Saunders uses analog materials to explore the affective power of images.
Focusing on his experimentation with color processes, the stunning reproductions in this volume range from his first color film, Century Rolls (2012), to his more recent large-scale video installations. Moving image folds together with painting, photography and print, enlivening our relationship to images and their capacity for uncanny returns, echoes and ghosts.

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