eBook: Glycemic-Load Diet: A powerful new program for losing weight and reversing insulin resistance (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Rob Thompson 
分類: Industrial or vocational training ,
Diets & dieting  
書城編號: 20136443

原價: HK$257.00
現售: HK$244.15 節省: HK$12.85

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2006/03/17
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9780071487023
>> 相關實體書

A cardiologist's revolutionary weight-loss plan that allows dieters to enjoy good carbs while still losing weight The glycemic index has been the basis of many popular diets. But it doesn't take into account the serving sizes people actually eat and eliminates too many foods for dieters to stick with it. Now Dr. Robert Thompson's breakthrough program uses the glycemic load--the glycemic index adjusted for serving size--to take the GI a step forward. The glycemic load is a more accurate and effective tool in controlling weight and insulin resistance, allowing dieters to eat more foods while still burning fat, cutting cravings, and speeding up their metabolism. Safe, simple, and scientifically proven, it's the smartest weight-loss plan yet.
Rob Thompson 作者作品表

Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach (0008) (Hardcover)

eBook: Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals (DRM PDF)

Automotive Maintenance & Light Repair (Hardcover)

Insulin Resistance Solution (Paperback)

Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion Design Profe (Hardcover)

Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach (6 ed) (Hardcover)

Workbook for Thompson's Automotive Maintenance & Light Repai (Paperback)

Core Automotive Technology (Hardcover)

Sustainable Materials, Processes and Production (Paperback)

eBook: Sugar Blockers Diet (DRM EPUB)

Glycemic Load Diabetes Solution (Paperback)

Graphics and Packaging Production (Paperback)

eBook: Knacker Town (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ultimate Glycemic Load Diet and Cookbook (EBOOK BUNDLE) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ultimate Glycemic Load Diet and Cookbook (EBOOK BUNDLE) (DRM EPUB)

Prototyping and Low-volume Production (Paperback)

Product and Furniture Design (Paperback)

Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals

eBook: Glycemic-Load Diet: A powerful new program for losing weight and reversing insulin resistance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Glycemic-Load Diet: A powerful new program for losing weight and reversing insulin resistance (DRM PDF)

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