eBook: Art of Organizing Anything: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Rosalie Maggio 
分類: Industrial or vocational training ,
Self-help & personal development  
書城編號: 20138341

原價: HK$246.00
現售: HK$233.7 節省: HK$12.3

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2009/04/05
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9780071609135

The first organizing system that can be customized to fit YOUR lifestyle Are you overwhelmed by clutter? Do you have a hard time finding things in your home or office? The disorder in your life may be keeping you from accomplishing your goals. The Art of Organizing Anything helps you streamline your life at home and at work, reduce stress, be more efficient and locate all those misplaced items. Bestselling author Rosalie Maggio introduces an accessible organizing system you can tailor to meet your own specific needs. You ll learn how to Put 10 essential organizing principles into practice Manage professional, personal, and family time Create and maintain an organized home Organize your work space and office email Packed with lists, tips, shortcuts, advice, and inexpensive solutions, The Art of Organizing Anything shows you how to create a more leisured, productive, enjoyable life.
Rosalie Maggio 作者作品表

eBook: Marie Marvingt, Fiancee of Danger: First Female Bomber Pilot, World-Class Athlete and Inventor of the Air Ambulance (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Art of Organizing Anything: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home

eBook: Art of Organizing Anything: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home

How to Say It, Third Edition: Choice Words, Phrases, Sentences, and Paragraphs for Every Situation

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How to Say It Style Guide

How to Say It, 2nd Ed.

Great Letters for Every Occasion

Quotations on Love (B-Trade Pbk)

Quotations from Women on Life (B-PA Novty/Oth)

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