eBook: Manager's Guide to Social Media (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Scott Klososky 
系列: Briefcase Books Series
分類: Business & management ,
E-commerce: business aspects  
書城編號: 20141172

原價: HK$211.00
現售: HK$200.45 節省: HK$10.55

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2010/12/24
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9780071761536
>> 相關實體書

JUMP START PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABLILITY, AND BUSINESS GROWTH WITH SOCIAL MEDIA! Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have changed everything. Some managers fear their employees will waste entire days using online social media. Smart managers, though, understand that social media is a powerful tool for engaging customers and growing their business. Manager s Guide to Social Media is a primer on the biggest thing in business since the Internet itself, helping you successfully implement social media technologies in the workplace. Learn how to: Manage your company s online reputation Set internal policies on the proper use of social media Build "rivers" of information to outsmart the competition Implement social tools internally to support virtual teams Forecast the next trends in social media Briefcase Books, written specifically for today's busy manager, feature eye-catching icons, checklists, and sidebars to guide managers step-by-step through everyday workplace situations. Look for these innovative design features to help you navigate through each page: Key Terms: Clear definitions of concepts and jargon Smart Managing: Tactics and strategies for managing social media in the workplace Tricks of the Trade: Insider tips for getting the most out of social media Mistake Proofing: Common pitfalls and how to avoid them Caution: Warning signs to keep an eye out for For Example: Stories and insights from the front lines of social media management Tools: Specific procedures, tactics, and hands-on techniques
Briefcase Books Series

eBook: Manager s Guide to Mobile Learning (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager s Guide to Mobile Learning (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Navigating Change (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Navigating Change (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Motivating Employees 2/E (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Motivating Employees 2/E (DRM PDF)

eBook: Performance Management 2/E (DRM PDF)

eBook: Performance Management 2/E (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Crisis Management (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Crisis Management (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manager's Guide To Business Writing 2/E (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide To Business Writing 2/E (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Social Media (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Social Media (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Fostering Innovation and Creativity in Teams (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Fostering Innovation and Creativity in Teams (DRM PDF)

eBook: Managers Guide to Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Mentoring (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Mentoring (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Managers Guide to Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity (DRM PDF)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Scott Klososky 作者作品表

Velocity Manifesto (Hardcover)

Enterprise Social Technology (Paperback)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Social Media (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manager's Guide to Social Media (DRM EPUB)

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