eBook: Six Sigma for Managers, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series) (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Greg Brue 
分類: Management: leadership & motivation ,
Quality Assurance (QA) & Total Quality Management (TQM) ,
Production & quality control management  
書城編號: 20144820

原價: HK$281.00
現售: HK$266.95 節省: HK$14.05

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2015/03/20
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9780071838641
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Unlock new levels of quality, performance, customer service, and profits Written specifically for managers with little or no experience on the subject, Six Sigma for Managers, Second Edition, provides step-by-step guidance and examples for implementing a Six Sigma initiative. Written specifically for today s busy manager, Briefcase Books feature eye-catching icons, checklists, and sidebars to guide managers step by step through everyday workplace situations. Updated with the latest in implementation strategies and tactics, tips from insiders in the field, and new stories and insights from the Six Sigma experiences of others Clear definitions of key management terms and concepts Practical advice for minimizing the possibility of error Examples of successful management Specific planning procedures, tactics, and hands-on techniques Greg Brue is CEO of Six Sigma Consultants and is a master six sigma black belt.
Greg Brue 作者作品表

Six Sigma for Managers (Paperback)

eBook: Six Sigma for Managers, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Six Sigma for Managers, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Six Sigma for Managers: 24 Lessons to Understand and Apply Six Sigma Principles in Any Organization (DRM PDF)

六標準差立即上手管理 (Six Sigma for managers)

Six Sigma for Managers

eBook: Six Sigma For Managers (DRM PDF)

eBook: Six Sigma For Managers (DRM EPUB)

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