eBook: Tropical Stream Ecology (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: David Dudgeon 
系列: Aquatic Ecology
分類: Ecological science, the Biosphere ,
Applied ecology  
書城編號: 20152570

售價: $741.00

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製造商: Elsevier Science
出版日期: 2011/05/04
頁數: 370
ISBN: 9780080557175
>> 相關實體書

Tropical Stream Ecology describes the main features of tropical streams and their ecology. It covers the major physico-chemical features, important processes such as primary production and organic-matter transformation, as well as the main groups of consumers: invertebrates, fishes and other vertebrates. Information on concepts and paradigms developed in north-temperate latitudes and how they do not match the reality of ecosystems further south is expertly addressed. The pressing matter of conservation of tropical streams and their biodiversity is included in almost every chapter, with a final chapter providing a synthesis on conservation issues. For the first time, Tropical Stream Ecology places an important emphasis on viewing research carried out in contributions from international literature.First synthetic account of the ecology of all types of tropical streamsCovers all of the major tropical regionsDetailed consideration of possible fundamental differences between tropical and temperate stream ecosystemsThreats faced by tropical stream ecosystems and possible conservation actionsDescriptions and synstheses life-histories and breeding patterns of major aquatic consumers (fishes, invertebrates)
Aquatic Ecology

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David Dudgeon 作者作品表

Threatened Freshwater Animals of Tropical East Asia: Ecology and Conservation in a Rapidly Changing Environment (Paperback)

eBook: Threatened Freshwater Animals of Tropical East Asia: Ecology and Conservation in a Rapidly Changing Environment (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Threatened Freshwater Animals of Tropical East Asia: Ecology and Conservation in a Rapidly Changing Environment (DRM PDF)

Threatened Freshwater Animals of Tropical East Asia: Ecology and Conservation in a Rapidly Changing Environment (Hardcover)

Freshwater Biodiversity (Paperback)

eBook: Freshwater Biodiversity: Status, Threats and Conservation (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Freshwater Biodiversity: Status, Threats and Conservation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tropical Stream Ecology (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tropical Stream Ecology (DRM PDF)

Tropical Asian Streams: Zoobenthos, Ecology and Conservation (Paperback)

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