eBook: Web Semantics: Cutting Edge and Future Directions in Healthcare (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Valentina Emilia Balas 
分類: Biomedical engineering ,
書城編號: 20179567

售價: $1703.00

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製造商: Elsevier Science
出版日期: 2021/03/27
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9780128224854
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Web Semantics strengthen the description of web resources to exploit them better and make them more meaningful for both humans and machines, thereby contributing to the development of a knowledgeintensive data web. The world is experiencing the movement of concept from data to knowledge and the movement of web from document model to data model. The underlying idea is making the data machine understandable and processable. In the light of these trends, conciliation of Semantic and the Web is of paramount importance for further progress in the area. Web Semantics: Cutting Edge and Future Directions in Healthcare describes the three major components of the study of Semantic Web, namely Representation, Reasoning, and Security with a special focus on the healthcare domain. This book summarizes the trends and current research advances in web semantics, emphasizing the existing tools and techniques, methodologies, and research solutions. It provides easily comprehensible information on Web Semantics including semantics for data and semantics for services.Presents a comprehensive examination of the emerging research in areas of the semantic web, including ontological engineering, semantic annotation, reasoning and intelligent processing, semantic search paradigms, semantic web mining, and semantic sentiment analysisHelps readers understand key concepts in semantic web applications for biomedical engineering and healthcare, including mapping disparate knowledge bases, security issues, multilingual semantic web, and integrating databases with knowledge basesIncludes coverage of key application areas of the semantic web, including clinical decision-making, biodiversity science, interactive healthcare, intelligent agent systems, decision support systems, and clinical natural language processing
Valentina Emilia Balas 作者作品表

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Decision Making and Decision Support in the Information Era: Dedicated to Academician Florin Filip (2024) (Hardcover)

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Intelligent Computing and Networking: Proceedings of IC-Icn 2023 (2023) (Paperback)

Soft Computing Applications: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications (Sofa 2020) (2023) (Paperback)

Intelligent Computing and Networking: Proceedings of IC-Icn 2022 (2023) (Paperback)

eBook: Web Semantics: Cutting Edge and Future Directions in Healthcare (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Web Semantics: Cutting Edge and Future Directions in Healthcare (DRM PDF)

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Handbook of Data Science Approaches for Biomedical Engineering (paperback)

Emergence of Pharmaceutical Industry Growth with Industrial (Paperback)

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