eBook: Philosophy of Science: A Companion (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Anouk Barberousse, Denis Bonnay, Mikael Cozic 
系列: Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Science
分類: Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge ,
Philosophy of mathematics ,
Philosophy of science  
書城編號: 20193776

售價: $986.00

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製造商: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2018/06/28
頁數: 688
ISBN: 9780190690656
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Philosophy of science studies the methods, theories, and concepts used by scientists. It mainly developed as a field in its own right during the twentieth century and is now a diversified and lively research area. This book surveys the current state of the discipline by focusing on central themes like confirmation of scientific hypotheses, scientific explanation, causality, the relationship between science and metaphysics, scientific change, the relationship between philosophy of science and science studies, the role of theories and models, unity of science. These themes define general philosophy of science. The book also presents sub-disciplines in the philosophy of science dealing with the main sciences: logic, mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, cognitive science, linguistics, social sciences, and economics. While it is common to address the specific philosophical problems raised by physics and biology in such a book, the place assigned to the philosophy of special sciences is much more unusual. Most authors collaborate on a regular basis in their research or teaching and share a common vision of philosophy of science and its place within philosophy and academia in general. The chapters have been written in close accordance with the three editors, thus achieving strong unity of style and tone.
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