eBook: Sweet Mystery: The Musical Works of Rida Johnson Young (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ellen M. Peck 
分類: Theatre studies ,
Musicals ,
Popular music, easy listening  
書城編號: 20194881

售價: $319.00

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製造商: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2020/11/09
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780190873608
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Rida Johnson Young (ca. 1869-1926) was one of the most prolific female playwrights of her time, as well as a lyricist and librettist in the musical theater. She wrote more than thirty full-length plays, operettas, and musical comedies, 500 songs, and four novels, including Naughty Marietta, Lady Luxury, The Red Petticoat, and When Love is Young . Despite her extensive output, no significant study of her work has been produced. This book looks at her musical theater works with in-depth analyses of her librettos and lyrics, as well as her working relationships with other writers, performers, and producers, particularly Lee and J. J. Shubert. Using archival materials such as original typescripts, correspondence, and reviews, the book contextualizes her work in the early twentieth century professional theater and provides a window into the standard practices of writing and production of the era.

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Ellen M. Peck 作者作品表

eBook: Sweet Mystery: The Musical Works of Rida Johnson Young (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sweet Mystery: The Musical Works of Rida Johnson Young (DRM PDF)

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