eBook: Right and the Welfare State (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Carsten Jensen 
分類: Comparative politics ,
Conservatism & right-of-centre democratic ideologies ,
Political economy ,
Welfare economics  
書城編號: 20210370

售價: $793.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2014/06/12
頁數: 172
ISBN: 9780191667848
>> 相關實體書

The Right and the Welfare State studies the welfare state policies of conservative and liberal governments. These parties have been assumed to be nothing but the welfare-sceptical flip-side of the Left, but the book presents a new theory arguing that the conventional wisdom is wrong. The policy goals of the Right - and the political means by which they pursue them - is a lot less straightforward than simply "pro" or "con" the welfare state. The book uses thedistinction between labor market risks and life-course risks in order to explain why the Right's voters care much more about some social programs than about others and why, consequently, the policies of Right governments are much more diverse than is normally thought. The book also introduces the concepts of"marketization via layering" and "erode and attack" to help explain the peculiar approach to reforms adopted by Right governments. The book analyses data on public opinion and public policies from a large set of Western democracies and combines this with in-depth case studies of Australia, Denmark, and the UK.
Carsten Jensen 作者作品表

We, the Drowned (MP3 CD)

We, the Drowned (Compact Disc)

eBook: Welfare (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Welfare (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mi, utopljenici (DRM EPUB)

Populisme fra venstre: Erfaringer fra Europa og Latinamerika (Paperback)

Equality (Paperback)

Life Cycle Risks and the Politics of the Welfare State (Paperback)

Politics of Inequality (Paperback)

eBook: Right and the Welfare State (DRM PDF)

We, The Drowned (Paperback)

eBook: We, the Drowned (DRM EPUB)

I Have Seen The World Begin (Paperback)

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