eBook: On Hospitals: Welfare, Law, and Christianity in Western Europe, 400-1320 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sethina Watson 
系列: Oxford Studies in Medieval European History
分類: European history ,
Medieval history ,
Social & cultural history ,
c 1000 CE to c 1500 ,
Western Continental Europe  
書城編號: 20215073

售價: $1053.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2020/07/24
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9780192586766
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This ground-breaking study explores welfare institutions in western law in the middle ages and establishes, for the first time, a legal model for the hospital. On Hospitals takes us beyond canon law, Carolingian capitularies, and Justinian's Code and Novels, to late Roman testamentary law, identifying new legislation and legal initiatives in every period. In challenging long established orthodoxies, a new history of the hospital emerges, one that isfundamentally a European history. To the history of law, it offers an unusual lens through which to explore canon law. What this monograph identifies for the first time is that the absence of law is the key. This is a study of what happened when there was no legal inheritance, nor even an authority through which to act. Here, at the fringes of law, pioneers worked, and forgers played. Their efforts shed light on councils, both familiar and forgotten, and on major figures, including Abbot Ansegis of Saint Wandrille, Abbot Walaof Corbie, the Pseudo-Isidorian forgers, Pope Alexander III, Bernard of Pavia, and Robert de Courson. Finally On Hospitals offers a new picture of welfare at the heart of Christianity. The place of welfare houses, at the edge of law, has for too long encouraged an assumption that welfare itself was peripheral to popes and canonists and so, by implication, to those who designed the priorities of the Church. This study reveals the central place for them all, across a thousand years, of Christian caritas. We discover a Christian foundation that could belong not to the Church, but to thewhole society of the faithful.
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Sethina Watson 作者作品表

eBook: On Hospitals: Welfare, Law, and Christianity in Western Europe, 400-1320 (DRM PDF)

eBook: On Hospitals: Welfare, Law, and Christianity in Western Europe, 400-1320 (DRM EPUB)

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