eBook: Chickens Can't See in the Dark (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kristyna Litten 
分類: Picture storybooks  
書城編號: 20216613

售價: $78.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2012/09/20
ISBN: 9780192735225
>> 相關實體書

Little Pippa is no headless chicken. Quite the opposite, in fact. So when Mr Benedict tells his class on Sunnyside Farm that chickens can't see in the dark, Pippa sets out to discover the secrets of night vision. After visiting the library - and then the farm shop - Pippa takes a wheelbarrow of carrots to Mother Hen's Pantry where she cooks up the most delicious carroty banquet ever seen. She then invites her feathered friends to share it. They're all sceptical aboutwhat difference eating so many carrots will make but everything is so tasty that they soon gobble down every last mouthful. Then, on a starry, moonlit evening, the chickens discover the delights of seeing in the dark and Little Pippa's plucky determination is celebrated all night long. A quirky talethat will make you giggle and guarantee that you'll never see chickens in the same way again!
Kristyna Litten 作者作品表

Bearlock Holmes: An Un-Bee-Lievable Nature Adventure (Hardcover)

eBook: Around the World in 80 Dogs (DRM EPUB)

Around the World in 80 Dogs (Hardcover)

Around the World in 80 Dogs (Hardcover)

Ori's Stars (Paperback)

Ori's Stars (Hardcover)

Ziggy and the Moonlight Show (Paperback)

Ziggy and the Moonlight Show (Hardcover)

Norton and Alpha (Hardcover)

Norton and Alpha (Paperback)

Blue and Bertie (Paperback)

eBook: Chickens Can't See in the Dark (DRM EPUB)

Hong Kong (Hardcover)

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