eBook: Christopher's Bicycle (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Charlotte Middleton 
系列: Christopher Nibble
分類: Picture storybooks  
書城編號: 20216658

售價: $78.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2013/08/15
ISBN: 9780192736413

Christopher Nibble loves his recycled bicycle! Mr Nibble has repaired and repainted it all so beautifully and Mrs Nibble has turned one of her old dresses into some very useful saddlebags. It really looks a treat. Now Christopher is the greenest guinea pig in Dandeville. He's ready to rescue the town's rubbish, turning old into new, in this story full of pedal power! Inspired by his own recycled bicycle, Christopher asks Miss Borrower in the library, Mr Rosetti atthe caf and Madame Choux from the bakery if he can take what they are throwing away. Then, with the help of his sister Poppy and their friend Posie, Christopher sets about making things out of old newspapers, empty coffee jars, and stale bread. Christopher gets on his bike to deliver the resultsaround the town and so in turn inspires the other guinea pigs in Dandeville to start recycling. The story ends with the great Dandeville Recycling Race where contestants turn up with all sorts of wheeled contraptions made out of old prams, wheelb
Christopher Nibble

Christopher's Caterpillars (Paperback)

Christopher Nibble (Paperback)

eBook: Christopher Nibble (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Christopher's Caterpillars (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Christopher's Bicycle (DRM EPUB)

Charlotte Middleton 作者作品表

Beaverly Hills: Band 08/Purple (Paperback)

Christopher's Caterpillars (Paperback)

Huwcyn Puw (Paperback)

Christopher Nibble (Paperback)

eBook: Christopher's Caterpillars (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Christopher Nibble (DRM EPUB)

Phantom Castle: Fluency 3 (Paperback)

Only Rosie Maloney (Paperback)

Marzooqa and the Trumpet (Paperback)

eBook: Christopher's Caterpillars (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Christopher Nibble (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Christopher's Bicycle (DRM EPUB)

Tod and the Trumpet (Paperback)

Nibbles' Garden: Another Green Tale (Marshall Cavendish) (hardcover)


Not Old Enough (Hardcover)

Enrico Starts School (Paperback)

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