eBook: Composing for the Red Screen: Prokofiev and Soviet Film (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kevin Bartig 
系列: Oxford Music / Media
分類: Films, cinema ,
Theory of music & musicology ,
20th century & contemporary classical music ,
Musical scores, lyrics & libretti  
書城編號: 20231716

售價: $341.00

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製造商: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2013/04/04
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9780199968060
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Sound film captivated Sergey Prokofiev during the final two decades of his life: he considered composing for nearly two dozen pictures, eventually undertaking eight of them, all Soviet productions. Hollywood luminaries such as Gloria Swanson tempted him with commissions, and arguably more people heard his film music than his efforts in all other genres combined. Films for which Prokofiev composed, in particular those of Sergey Eisenstein, are now classics of world cinema. Drawing on newly available sources, Composing for the Red Screen examines - for the first time - the full extent of this prodigious cinematic career. Author Kevin Bartig examines how Prokofiev's film music derived from a self-imposed challenge: to compose "serious" music for a broad audience. The picture that emerges is of a composer seeking an individual film-music voice, shunning Hollywood models and objecting to his Soviet colleagues' ideologically expedient film songs. Looking at Prokofiev's film music as a whole - with well-known blockbusters like Alexander Nevsky considered alongside more obscure or aborted projects - reveals that there were multiple solutions to the challenge, each with varying degrees of success. Prokofiev carefully balanced his own populist agenda, the perceived aesthetic demands of the films themselves, and, later on, Soviet bureaucratic demands for accessibility.
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Kevin Bartig 作者作品表

eBook: Sergei Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sergei Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Composing for the Red Screen: Prokofiev and Soviet Film (DRM PDF)

eBook: Composing for the Red Screen: Prokofiev and Soviet Film (DRM EPUB)

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