eBook: This Incredible Need to Believe (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Julia Kristeva 
系列: European Perspectives
分類: Religion & beliefs  
書城編號: 20270590

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

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製造商: Columbia University Press
出版日期: 2009/10/19
頁數: 138
ISBN: 9780231519953
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';A sprawling analysis of religion in major psychological and philosophical literature, fiction and in private life. . .compelling and remarkable.'Publishers Weekly ';Unlike Freud, I do not claim that religion is just an illusion and a source of neurosis. The time has come to recognize, without being afraid of ';frightening' either the faithful or the agnostics, that the history of Christianity prepared the world for humanism.' So writes Julia Kristeva in this provocative work, which skillfully upends our entrenched ideas about religion, belief, and the thought and work of a renowned psychoanalyst and critic. With dialogue and essay, Kristeva analyzes our ';incredible need to believe'the inexorable push toward faith that, for Kristeva, lies at the heart of the psyche and the history of society. Examining the lives, theories, and convictions of Saint Teresa of Avila, Sigmund Freud, Donald Winnicott, Hannah Arendt, and other individuals, she investigates the intersection between the desire for God and the shadowy zone in which belief resides. Kristeva suggests that human beings are formed by their need to believe, beginning with our first attempts at speech and following through to our adolescent search for identity and meaning. Kristeva then applies her insight to contemporary religious clashes and the plight of immigrant populations. Even if we no longer have faith in God, Kristeva argues, we must believe in human destiny and creative possibility. Reclaiming Christianity's openness to self-questioning and the search for knowledge, Kristeva urges a ';new kind of politics,' one that restores the integrity of the human community. ';A helpful commentary and introduction to Kristeva's major work over the last two decades.'Choice
European Perspectives

eBook: This Incredible Need to Believe (DRM EPUB)

Julia Kristeva 作者作品表

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eBook: Revolution in Poetic Language (DRM PDF)

eBook: Revolution in Poetic Language (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia (DRM PDF)

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Enchanted Clock (Paperback)

Enchanted Clock (Hardcover)

Marriage as a Fine Art (Hardcover)

eBook: Was ist ein Fremder? (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Le Texte du Roman: Approche semiologique d'une structure discursive transformationnelle (DRM PDF)

eBook: This Incredible Need to Believe (DRM EPUB)

This Incredible Need to Believe (Hardcover)

Melanie Klein (Paperback)

eBook: Hannah Arendt: Life Is a Narrative (DRM PDF)

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