Tales from No.9 Ice House Street
作者: Patrick Yu Shuk-siu 
書城編號: 202731

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: 香港大學出版社Hong Kong University Press
出版日期: 2010
ISBN: 9789888028764



A Seventh Child and the Law

In Tales from No. 9 Ice House Street, Patrick Yu takes up his story as he returns to Hong Kong to become the first Chinese Crown Counsel. Thereafter he tells of the years in which he established himself as a most successful advocate in private practice. His story is enriched with anecdotes of his legal life and reminiscences of the many people with whom he came into contact.

In the second part of the book, he recounts in his lively and intriguing way a series of the court cases in which he was involved as an important member of the Hong Kong Bar. The cases have surprising twists that the defence counsel-cum-storyteller deploys to surprise the reader. There are also unusual topics such as ‘The Case of the Young Man Who Impersonated a Police Officer’, or ‘The Case of the Solicitor Convicted of an Offence Not Known to the Law’. These read like classic detective stories, while also shedding light on life and the law in Hong Kong.

Whether telling of his own life, recalling people with whom he came into contact, or telling the legal stories of the second part of this book, Patrick Yu again shows himself to be a notable raconteur and one whose life has provided him with many fascinating stories to tell.

Patrick Yu Shuk-siu is the seventh child of a father who himself was also the seventh child. After early education at Wah Yan College, Mr Yu went to the University of Hong Kong on a scholarship and earned a wartime degree. Awarded a Victory scholarship, he attended Merton College, Oxford, in the post-war years, qualifying for the Bar in 1950.

Mr Yu was appointed the first Chinese Crown Counsel in 1951, and resigned in protest at the unequal terms ofnd...
Patrick Yu Shuk-siu 作者作品表

Tales from No.9 Ice House Street

Tales from No.9 Ice House Street

A Seventh Child and The Law

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