eBook: Children of the Abbey: A Tale (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Regina Maria Roche 
書城編號: 20277633

售價: $154.00

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製造商: Forgotten Books
出版日期: 2019/11/27
ISBN: 9780243628360

Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. When insulted by malice, or oppressed by cruelty, the heart can assume a stern fortitude foreign to its nature; but this seeming, apathy vanishes at the voice of kindness, as the rigid frost of winter melts before the gentle influence of the sun; and tears, gushing tears of gratitude and sensibility express its yielding feelings. Sacred are such tears; they flow from the sweet source of social affection; the good alone can shed them.
Regina Maria Roche 作者作品表

eBook: Regina Maria Roche's The Children of the Abbey (DRM EPUB)

Regina Maria Roche's The Children of the Abbey (Paperback)

The Tradition of the Castle: Or, Scenes in the Emerald Isle (Paperback)

Trecothick Bower: Or, the Lady of the West Country (Paperback)

The Discarded Son: Or, Haunt of the Banditti. a Tale (Paperback)

The Castle Chapel: A Romantic Tale (Paperback)

The Children of the Abbey: A Tale (Hardcover)

The Children of the Abbey (Hardcover)

Oscar Y Amanda, O, Los Descendientes De La Abadia, Tomo III (Hardcover)

The Children of the Abbey: A Tale (Paperback)

Oscar Y Amanda, O, Los Descendientes De La Abadia, Tomo III (Paperback)

The Houses of Osma and Almeria; Or, Convent of St. Ildefonso. a Tale (Paperback)

The Children of the Abbey (Paperback)

The Houses of Osma and Almeria; Or, Convent of St. Ildefonso. a Tale (Hardcover)

eBook: Children of the Abbey: A Tale (DRM PDF)

eBook: Oscar y Amanda, O, los Descendientes de la Abadia (DRM PDF)

The Discarded Son: Or, Haunt of the Banditti. a Tale (Paperback)

The Houses of Osma and Almeria; Or, Convent of St. Ildefonso. a Tale (Hardcover)

Trecothick Bower: Or, the Lady of the West Country (Paperback)

The Discarded Son: Or, Haunt of the Banditti. a Tale (Hardcover)

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