Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The Poetical Works of Christma Georgina Rossetti (born on 5th December 1830, and deceased on 29th December were first published in a fully collected form at the beginning of 1904,with a considerable amount of matter in the way of Preface, Memoir, Notes, etc. With that form I, as her brother and representative, am very well satisfied. ut I think that, in the interest of her not innumerous readers, and of her own poetical repute, it would be desirable also to give currency to a volume consisting only of her best work so that persons disposed to sympathize with her writings may have in their hands a booklet rather than a book, and may find in the booklet whatever they would most like to estimate her by, and would oftenest recur to. An opportunity for this treatment of her poems offers by including a selection of them in the Golden T reasury series - an Opportunity of which I gladly avail myself, for nothing could suit my views better.