eBook: Alcohol (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Juann M Watson, Richard E. Isralowitz 
系列: Health and Medical Issues Today
分類: Drug & substance abuse: social aspects  
書城編號: 20362281

售價: $351.00

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出版日期: 2011/04/11
頁數: 250
ISBN: 9780313372483
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In 2009, President Barack Obama hosted a friendly "beer summit" on the White House lawn in an attempt to diffuse a racially charged incident between a Caucasian policeman and an African American professor. In the United States, beer and other alcoholic beverage companies are often the main advertisers during television sporting event coverage. A study has found that 44 percent of American college students participate in binge drinking, while the NHTSA reports that over 31 percent of traffic fatalities involve a driver with an illegal blood-alcohol content level. In our culture, consumption of alcohol is both widely accepted as a healthy social norm and condemned as a crime.Alcohol provides information about how alcohol acts upon the body, the social problems related to alcohol use, medical disorders connected to alcohol use, alcohol use throughout world cultures and the American population, and public policy issues. This book also contains sections on adolescent and college student alcohol use.
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