eBook: Chickamauga 1863: Rebel Breakthrough: Rebel Breakthrough (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Alexander Mendoza 
系列: Battles and Leaders of the American Civil War
分類: History  
書城編號: 20363303

售價: $585.00

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出版日期: 2013/02/20
頁數: 202
ISBN: 9780313396960
>> 相關實體書

There is renewed interest among Civil War historians and history buffs alike about events west of the Appalachian Mountains and their impact on the outcome of the conflict. In examining the Chickamauga campaign, this book provides a fresh analysis of the foremost Confederate victory in the Western theater. The study opens with a discussion of two commanders, William S. Rosecrans and Braxton Bragg, and the forces swirling around them when they clashed in September 1863. Drawing on both primary sources and recent Civil War scholarship, it then follows the specific aspects of the battle, day by day.In addition to interweaving analysis of the Union and Confederate commanders and the tactical situation during the campaign, the book also reveals how the rank and file dealt with the changing fortunes of war. Readers will see how the campaign altered the high commands of both armies, how it impacted the common soldier, and how it affected the strategic situation, North and South.
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