eBook: EBOOK: Blabers Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A theoretical perspective: A theoretical perspective (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Amanda Blaber 
系列: UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Scien
分類: Public health & preventive medicine ,
First aid & paramedical services  
書城編號: 20376370

售價: $333.00

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2018/11/19
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9780335243280
>> 相關實體書

This bestselling undergraduate level book is an ideal resource for student paramedics looking for an excellent introduction to the main theoretical subjects studied in paramedic courses, and links practice issues to the all-important theory base.The chapters bring to life a wide variety of academic subjects, making complex subjects easily readable and encouraging reflection on how theory fits with practice. This 3rd edition has been expanded throughout and includes five new chapters on research and evidence-based practice, human factors affecting paramedic practice, developing resilience, caring for people with dementia, and public health perspectives. This new edition also covers: Ethics and law for the paramedic Reflective practice and communication Professional issues, including clinical audit and governance and anti-discriminatory practice Psychological perspectives on health and ill health Social factors Care of vulnerable adults and end of life care Safeguarding children Managing change, decision making and leadership theoryWritten by a team of experienced paramedics, specialist health care professionals and doctors from across the UK, the book includes numerous links to practice, a wide selection of case studies and examples which encourage you to stop and think and reflect upon your practice experience.Blabers Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A theoretical perspective, 3rd Edition is a core text for student paramedics and a valuable resource for students of all allied health professions."This book should be considered essential reading material for student paramedics endeavouring to understand the vital core concepts that underpin paramedic science. This clear, concise and user-friendly text is also invaluable for newly qualified paramedics, experienced paramedics looking to continue their own professional development and those acting as Practice Educators".Sarah Christopher, PGC LTHE, BSc (Hons), MA Ed, FHEA, MC Para, Programme Lead for Paramedic Science, The University of Lincoln, UK
UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Scien

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Amanda Blaber 作者作品表

eBook: EBOOK: The Student Paramedic Survival Guide: Your Journey from Student to Paramedic, 2e (DRM EPUB)

eBook: EBOOK: The Student Paramedic Survival Guide: Your Journey from Student to Paramedic, 2e (DRM PDF)

The Student Paramedic Survival Guide: Your Journey from Student to Paramedic, 2e (2 ed) (Paperback)

eBook: EBOOK: Blabers Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A theoretical perspective: A theoretical perspective (DRM EPUB)

eBook: EBOOK: Blabers Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A theoretical perspective: A theoretical perspective (DRM PDF)

Blaber's Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A Theoretical P (Paperback)

Student Paramedic Survival Guide (Paperback)

Foundations for Paramedic Practice (Paperback)

Assessment Skills for Paramedics (Paperback)

Foundations for Paramedic Practice (Hardcover)

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