eBook: Making Global Knowledge in Local Contexts: The Politics of International Relations and Policy Advice in Russia (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Katarzyna Kaczmarska 
系列: Worlding Beyond the West
分類: Politics & government ,
International relations ,
Regional geography ,
書城編號: 20394760

售價: $520.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2020/04/08
頁數: 228
ISBN: 9780429589027
>> 相關實體書

This book draws on extensive ethnographic research undertaken in Russia to show how the wider sociopolitical context - the political system, relationship between the state and academia as well as the contours of the public debate - shapes knowledge about international politics and influences scholars' engagement with the policy world.Combining an in-depth study of the International Relations discipline in Russia with a robust methodological framework, the book demonstrates that context not only bears on epistemic and disciplinary practices but also conditions scholars' engagement with the wider public and policymakers. This original study lends robust sociological foundations to the debate about knowledge in International Relations and the social sciences more broadly. In particular, the book questions contemporary thinking about the relationship between knowledge and politics by situating the university within, rather than abstracting it from the political setting. The monograph benefits from a comprehensive engagement with Russian-language literature in the Sociology of Knowledge and critical reading of International Relations scholarship published in Russia.This text will be of interest to scholars and students in International Relations, Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, the Sociology of Knowledge, Science and Technology Studies and Higher Education Studies. It will appeal to those researching the knowledge-policy nexus and knowledge production practices.
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eBook: Making Global Knowledge in Local Contexts: The Politics of International Relations and Policy Advice in Russia (DRM EPUB)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Katarzyna Kaczmarska 作者作品表

eBook: Making Global Knowledge in Local Contexts: The Politics of International Relations and Policy Advice in Russia (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Making Global Knowledge in Local Contexts: The Politics of International Relations and Policy Advice in Russia (DRM PDF)

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