eBook: Art and Craft of Political Theory (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Leslie Paul Thiele 
分類: Social & political philosophy ,
Political science & theory ,
Political structures: democracy  
書城編號: 20408954

售價: $650.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2018/08/15
頁數: 216
ISBN: 9780429867958
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The Art and Craft of Political Theory provides a critical overview of the discipline's core concepts and concerns and highlights its development of critical thinking and practical judgment. The field's interdisciplinary strengths are deployed to grapple with emerging issues and engage afresh enduring ideals and quandaries. While conventional definitions of key concepts are provided, original and controversial perspectives are also explored, revealing continuity in a tradition of thought while emphasizing its diversity and innovations. The Art and Craft of Political Theory illustrates the analytic and interpretive skills, the moral and philosophic discernment, and the historical knowledge needed to appreciate a tradition of thought, to contest its claims, and to make good use of its insights. Topics include:science, ideology and normative theorybiology, culture, human nature, power and violenceancient, modern and postmodern political thoughtliberty, equality, justice, reason and democracyracial, religious, gender and economic identitiesliberalism, socialism, capitalism, communism, anarchism, feminism and environmentalismsocial media, automation, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies.This concise, lively and accessibly written book is essential reading for all students of political theory.
Leslie Paul Thiele 作者作品表

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Art and Craft of Political Theory (Paperback)

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