eBook: City After The Automobile: An Architect's Vision (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Moshe Safdie 
分類: City & town planning - architectural aspects ,
Society & culture: general ,
書城編號: 20415675

售價: $572.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2018/02/23
頁數: 200
ISBN: 9780429976384
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In an age of virtual offices, urban flight, and planned gated communities, are cities becoming obsolete? In this passionate manifesto, Moshe Safdie argues that as crucibles for creative, social, and political interaction, vital cities are an organic and necessary part of human civilization. If we are to rescue them from dispersal and decay, we must first revise our definition of what constitutes a city.Unlike many who believe that we must choose between cities and suburbs, between mass transit and highways, between monolithic highrises and panoramic vistas, Safdie envisions a way to have it all. Effortless mobility throughout a region of diverse centers, residential communities, and natural open spaces is the key to restoring the rich public life that cities once provided while honoring our profound desire for privacy, flexibility, and freedom. With innovations such as transportation nodes, elevated moving sidewalks, public utility cars, and buildings designed to maximize daylight, views, and personal interaction, Safdie's proposal challenges us all to create a more satisfying and humanistic environment.
Moshe Safdie 作者作品表

If Walls Could Speak: My Life in Architecture (Compact Disc)

If Walls Could Speak: My Life in Architecture (MP3 CD)

If Walls Could Speak (Main) (Hardcover)

eBook: City After The Automobile: An Architect's Vision (DRM PDF)

eBook: City After The Automobile: An Architect's Vision (DRM EPUB)

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