eBook: De-Stress Divas Guide to Life: 77 Ways to Recharge, Refocus, and Organize Your Life (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ruth Klein 
分類: Coping with stress ,
Self-help & personal development  
書城編號: 20423752

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Turner Publishing Company
出版日期: 2009/01/12
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9780470449462
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The De-Stress Diva's Guide to LifeWhen you feel stressed out, you don't have the time or energy to completely overhaul every aspect of your life. You need help for what's bothering you right now-and you need it right away! You need the De-Stress Diva.In this book, America's De-Stress Diva Ruth Klein gives you proven strategies for overcoming seventy-seven common stressors, with practical tips and techniques that you can put to work immediately to rebalance and re-energize your life. The De-Stress Diva understands the many stress points women encounter in juggling work, family, and friends. She has helped countless women overcome the stressful situations that affect them most to bring more joy into their lives, and now she can do the same for you.The De-Stress Diva's easy-to-follow tips enable you to conquer stressors with the help of:Aromatherapy, yoga, massage, and meditationDiet, supplements, and herbsOrganizational and time management skillsSo the next time you're angry with your boss or have so much to do you don't know where to start, don't panic-read The De-Stress Diva's Guide to Life and take immediate action to relieve your stress and become healthier, happier, and more relaxed. You deserve it!
Ruth Klein 作者作品表

eBook: Surviving the Survivors: A Memoir (DRM EPUB)

eBook: De-Stress Divas Guide to Life: 77 Ways to Recharge, Refocus, and Organize Your Life (DRM EPUB)

eBook: De-Stress Divas Guide to Life: 77 Ways to Recharge, Refocus, and Organize Your Life (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Time Management Secrets for Working Women: Getting Organized to Get the Most Out of Each Day (DRM EPUB)

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