eBook: Creating Celtic Animal Designs (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Cari Buziak 
書城編號: 20437973

售價: $264.00

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製造商: Dover Publications
出版日期: 2020/01/15
ISBN: 9780486845944

Many instruction books just teach how to duplicate designs without providing any clues for the next step — making your own! This unique guide features the highly effective Aon method, a technique for creating your own original designs rather than copying examples. It's easy to comprehend, with simple step-by-step instructions that focus on incorporating animal forms into Celtic patterns and designs.Creating Celtic Animal Designs builds on author Cari Buziak's experience teaching and writing about Celtic patterns and their creation, meaning, and history. Her nine in-depth examples encompass both traditional and contemporary renderings of animals — hounds, lions, hares, birds, and other creatures. Cari demonstrates the freehand drawing of Celtic knots and moves beyond the basics to show how to manipulate and develop stand-alone patterns into panels and combinations. Artists, designers, art instructors, tattoo artists, and anyone who appreciates Celtic designs will find this book a treasury of both instruction and inspiration.
Cari Buziak 作者作品表

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