eBook: Public Health Law and Ethics: A Reader (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lawrence O. Gostin 
系列: California/Milbank Books on Health and the Public
分類: Central government policies ,
Public health & safety law ,
Medical ethics & professional conduct ,
Personal & public health ,
書城編號: 20448133

售價: $499.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: University Of California Press
出版日期: 2002/06/27
頁數: 554
ISBN: 9780520927919
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This incisive selection of government reports, scholarly articles, and court cases is designed to illuminate the ethical, legal, and political issues in the theory and practice of public health. A companion to the internationally acclaimed Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint, this collection encourages debate and discourse about how courts, scholars, and policy makers respond to the salient legal and ethical dilemmas. The excerpts and commentaries in the reader analyze the legal and constitutional foundations of public health, juxtaposing them with the emerging importance of public health ethics and human rights. The book offers a systematic account of public health law, ethics, and human rights in promoting the common good.Gostin provides thoughtful commentary on the field of public health and carefully explains the meaning and importance of each selection. Scholars, legislators, and public health professionals, as well as faculty and students in schools of law, public health, medicine, nursing, government, and health administration, will benefit from the contemporary case studies covering a wide range of topics from bioterrorism to public health genetics.
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Lawrence O. Gostin 作者作品表


eBook: Global Health Law (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Public Health Law and Ethics: A Reader (DRM PDF)

eBook: AIDS Pandemic: Complacency, Injustice, and Unfulfilled Expectations (DRM PDF)

eBook: AIDS Pandemic: Complacency, Injustice, and Unfulfilled Expectations (DRM EPUB)

eBook: AIDS Pandemic: Complacency, Injustice, and Unfulfilled Expectations (DRM PDF)

eBook: Public Health Law and Ethics: A Reader (DRM PDF)

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