eBook: Chronicles of a Liquid Society (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Umberto Eco 
書城編號: 20455662

原價: HK$195.00
現售: HK$185.25 節省: HK$9.75

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製造商: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
出版日期: 2017/11/14
頁數: 319
ISBN: 9780544974579
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The acclaimed author examines our contemporary worldfrom technology to politics and pop culturein this collection of essays written for L'Espresso.Umberto Eco was an international cultural superstar. In this, his last collection, the celebrated essayist and novelist observes the changing world around him with irrepressible curiosity and philosophical insight. He illuminates the contemporary upheaval in ideological values, the crises in politics, and the unbridled individualism that have become the backdrop of our livescreating a ';liquid' society that defies any organizing principle. In these pieces, written for his regular column in the Italian magazine L'Espresso, Eco brings his dazzling erudition and keen sense of the everyday to bear on topics such as being seen, conspiracies, the old and the young, mass media, racism, and good manners. It is ';a swan song from one of Europe's great intellectuals[Eco] entertains with his intellect, humor, and insatiable curiosity' (Kirkus Reviews).';An intelligent, intriguing, and often hilariously incisive set of observations on contemporary follies and changing mores.' Publishers Weekly
Umberto Eco 作者作品表

Confesiones de Un Joven Novelista / Confessions of a Young Novelist (Paperback)

El Nombre de la Rosa. La Novela Gráfica Vol 1 / The Name of the Rose. the Graphi C Novel (Paperback)

Apocalípticos E Integrados (Paperback)

Foucault's Pendulum (Paperback)

Name of the Rose (Paperback)

The Prague Cemetery (MP3 CD)

History of European civilization: Middle Ages. Barbarians. Christians. Muslims (Hardcover)

eBook: Looking for a Logic of Culture (DRM PDF)

How to Spot a Fascist (Paperback)

History of European civilization. Middle Ages. Expeditions. Trade. Utopias: History of European civilization. Middle Ages. Expeditions. Trade. Utopias

History of European civilization. Greece (Hardcover)

On the Shoulders of Giants (Hardcover)

Chronicles of a Liquid Society (Paperback)

eBook: Chronicles of a Liquid Society (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Chronicles of a Liquid Society (DRM EPUB)

Chronicles of a Liquid Society (Hardcover)

eBook: In ce cred cei care nu cred? (DRM EPUB)

Reconnaitre le fascisme (General merchandise)

eBook: Cum ne construim dusmanul: si alte scrieri ocazionale (DRM EPUB)

Story of the Betrothed (Hardcover)

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