eBook: Life Simplified: A Transformational Book (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nianell 
書城編號: 20477269

售價: $98.00

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製造商: Jonathan Ball Publishers
出版日期: 2019/09/16
頁數: 152
ISBN: 9780639992891

In Nianell's darkest moment she discovered that she was never truly alone. Just before she wanted to take a leap out of this life, a voice within her said: 'Do you really think you would have chosen this life, if this was it?'All that I had learned from the wonderful teachers I'd had in my life popped into my mind in that moment.Their journeys, their struggles, their failures, their pain, their successes, their teachings.If they had not had the courage to share their stories with us, and what they learned from them, we would all still be fumbling around in the dark.What I learned from them saved my life.I do what I do because I know how easy it is to forget who you are, how easy it is to forget your worth, and how easy it is to miss out on living a magnificent life.I'm here to remind you, in Life Simplified, that you are love. You chose this life to learn how to love, and how to allow yourself to be loved.By reminding you, I remind myself.Love and Light, Nianell.
Nianell 作者作品表

eBook: Life Simplified: A Transformational Book (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Knowing Who I Am (DRM EPUB)

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