eBook: Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Gregory S. Kavka 
系列: Studies in Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy
分類: Social & political philosophy ,
Political science & theory ,
Liberalism & centre democratic ideologies  
書城編號: 20482857

原價: HK$1014.00
現售: HK$963.3 節省: HK$50.7

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Princeton University Press
出版日期: 2021/01/12
頁數: 479
ISBN: 9780691222967

In recent years serious attempts have been made to systematize and develop the moral and political themes of great philosophers of the past. Kant, Locke, Marx, and the classical utilitarians all have their current defenders and arc taken seriously as expositors of sound moral and political views. It is the aim of this book to introduce Hobbes into this select group by presenting a plausible moral and political theory inspired by Leviathan. Using the techniques of analytic philosophy and elementary game theory, the author develops a Hobbesian argument that justifies the liberal State and reconciles the rights and interests of rational individuals with their obligations.Hobbes's case against anarchy, based on his notorious claim that life outside the political State would be a "war of all against all," is analyzed in detail, while his endorsement of the absolutist State is traced to certain false hypotheses about political sociology. With these eliminated, Hobbes's principles support a liberal redistributive (or "satisfactory") State and a limited right of revolution. Turning to normative issues, the book explains Hobbes's account of morality based on enlightened self-interest and shows how the Hobbesian version of social contract theory justifies the political obligations of citizens of satisfactory States.
Studies in Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy

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Gregory S. Kavka 作者作品表

eBook: Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory (DRM EPUB)

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