eBook: Postphenomenological Inquiry of Cell Phones: Genealogies, Meanings, and Becoming (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Galit Wellner 
系列: Postphenomenology and the Philosophy of Technology
分類: Philosophy ,
Phenomenology & Existentialism ,
Impact of science & technology on society  
書城編號: 20503086

售價: $1521.00

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製造商: Lexington Books
出版日期: 2015/11/11
頁數: 182
ISBN: 9780739198490
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Why does the announcement of a new cellphone model ignite excitement and passion? Why do most people return home when they forget their cellphones, while only few would return for their wallets? How did the cellphone technology become so dominant for many of us? This book offers an analysis of the historical evolution and of the meanings of this technology in the lives of billions of people. The book offers a unique point of view on the cellphone that merges genealogical analysis of its development since the 1990s and philosophical insights into a coherent analytical framework. With new concepts like histories of the future and memory prosthesis, the book aims to explain the excitement arising from new model announcements and the ever-growing dependency on the cellphone through the framing of these experiences in wide philosophical contexts. It is the first philosophical analysis of the important roles the cellphone plays in contemporary everydayness.
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Galit Wellner 作者作品表

A Postphenomenological Inquiry of Cell Phones: Genealogies, Meanings, and Becoming (hardcover)

eBook: Postphenomenological Inquiry of Cell Phones: Genealogies, Meanings, and Becoming (DRM PDF)

eBook: Postphenomenological Inquiry of Cell Phones: Genealogies, Meanings, and Becoming (DRM EPUB)

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