eBook: Wellington: pocket GIANTS (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gary Sheffield 
分類: Biography: historical, political & military ,
History ,
British & Irish history ,
Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 ,
c 1800 to c 1900 ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 20512324

售價: $45.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: The History Press
出版日期: 2017/07/17
頁數: 128
ISBN: 9780750963381
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Wellington is a giant because he was one of the greatest military commanders in British history, an important figure in the emergence of Britain as a great imperial power, a man who dominated British society and politics for 35 years. He was the only one of Napoleon's contemporaries who can be mentioned in the same breath as a general - a master of logistics, politics and coalition warfare as well as strategy, operations and tactics. The book's focus is on Wellington's military career, and it looks at all of these aspects, placing them in the context of the military and political developments of the time. It explores Wellington's personality - a key to understanding his success - and briefly examines his post-Waterloo career as a politician. It concludes that Wellington was not only a military genius, but an icon whose fame endures to our own time.
Gary Sheffield 作者作品表

In Haig's Shadow (Hardcover)

The First World War in 100 Objects: The Story of the Great War Told Through the Objects that Shaped It (Hardcover)

Wellington: pocket GIANTS (Paperback)

eBook: Wellington: pocket GIANTS (DRM EPUB)

IWM First World War Remembered (Hardcover)

Douglas Haig (Hardcover)

eBook: Somme: A New History (DRM EPUB)

First World War in 100 Objects (Paperback)

Short History of the First World War (Paperback)

eBook: Short History of the First World War (DRM EPUB)

Command and Morale (Hardcover)

First World War in 100 Objects (Hardcover)

Changing War (Hardcover)

Chief (Paperback)

IWM Western Front Experience (Hardcover)

eBook: Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army (DRM EPUB)

Chief (Hardcover)

War Studies Reader (Paperback)

Command and Control of the Western Front (Paperback)

Douglas Haig (Paperback)

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