eBook: New Quotable Golfer: The Best Things Ever Said by the Pros and Duffers of the Sport (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Robert McCord 
系列: Quotable
分類: Dictionaries of quotations ,
Sports & outdoor recreation ,
書城編號: 20521783

售價: $143.00

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製造商: Lyons Press
出版日期: 2008/03/18
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9780762757756
>> 相關實體書

A rich compendium of golf quotes that reflect the history, tradition, agony, and ecstasy of this time-honored game. Organized into categories such as "Golf Defined," "The Mental Game," "Men Touring," "Women Touring," "Caddies," "Obstacles," and "Practice," this book includes words of wisdom from some of the game's most famous practitioners: Franklin Pierce Adams, Tommy Armour, Chip Beck, Winston Churchill, Raymond Floyd, Ben Hogan, Julie Inkster, Dan Jenkins, Samuel Johnson, Nancy Lopez, Arnold Palmer, Marcel Proust, John D. Rockefeller, Chi-Chi Rodriguez, Will Rogers, Dr. Bob Rotella, Mark Twain, Tom Watson, George Will, Tiger Woods, and many more. This compilation of the most incisive and timeless sayings about the sport makes a great gift for all golf enthusiasts, from duffer to professional.

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Robert McCord 作者作品表

eBook: New Quotable Golfer: The Best Things Ever Said by the Pros and Duffers of the Sport (DRM PDF)

Golf Fanatic (Paperback)

The Quotable Golfer (Paperback)

The Quotable Golfer (Hardcover)

Golf Connoisseur: An Insider's Guide to Key Sources in the World of Golf (Paperback)

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