eBook: Cowboys, Mountain Men, and Grizzly Bears: Fifty of the Grittiest Moments in the History of the Wild West (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Matthew P. Mayo 
分類: History ,
Regional & national history ,
History of the Americas ,
書城編號: 20521958

售價: $182.00

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製造商: TwoDot
出版日期: 2010/01/06
頁數: 264
ISBN: 9780762762118
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From slaughters, shootouts, and massacres to maulings, lynchings, and natural disasters, Cowboys, Mountain Men, and Grizzly Bears cuts to the chase of what draws people to the history and literature of the Wild West. Matthew P. Mayo, noted author of Western novels, takes the fifty wildest episodes in the region's history and presents them in one action-packed volume. Set on the plains, mountains, and deserts of the West, and arranged chronologically, they capture all the mystique and allure of that special time and place in America's history. Read about:John Colter's harrowing escape from the BlackfeetHugh Glass's six-week crawl to civilization after a grizzly attackJanette Riker's brutal winter in the RockiesJohn Wesley Powell's treacherous run through the rapids of the Grand CanyonThe Earp Brothers' hot-tempered gun battle at TombstoneGeneral Custer's ill-advised final clash with the Sioux
Matthew P. Mayo 作者作品表

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