eBook: Half-Lived Life: Overcoming Passivity and Rediscovering Your Authentic Self (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Lee 
分類: Self-help & personal development ,
Popular psychology ,
Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice  
書城編號: 20522764

售價: $143.00

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製造商: Lyons Press
出版日期: 2011/12/20
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9780762776047
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So this is my life? What happened to the person I thought I might be at this stage of the game? Where did that person go? Why am I feeling like Im just treading water, trying to stay one step ahead of my bills and obligations. Anyway, Im just too tired at this point to try to figure out where that other person went. But I sure expected to be living a different life than this one.Most people in their forties, fifties, and beyondcatch themselves saying something similar to this. Everyone has a mental image of the person they want to be, but few of us actually fulfill these wishes. Once people realize they are living a completely different life than theyd envisioned, they often think it is too late to change and carry on with the same old habits. Too many people settle for a half-lived life.Best-selling author John Lee has long been addressing the fallacy of this attitude in talks and workshopsand now he sets this program into book form. In The Half-Lived Life, he introduces and explains how passivity holds us hostage to old ways of doing thingsand provides solutions on escaping this paralyzing state of mind, body, and spirit while increasing our emotional intelligence (EQ). He also shows the freedom to be gained via compassionate assertivenessan outgrowth of setting boundaries and enforcing limits. Just as Lees seminars have successfully led many to find their authentic self in the second half of their life, so too will this book.
John Lee 作者作品表

100 Black and Grey Tattoo Designs (Paperback)

Essentials of Excel Vba, Python, and R: Volume I: Financial Statistics and Portfolio Analysis (00022022) (Paperback)

Pocket Vancouver 5 (0005) (Paperback)

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The Ultimate Actuarial Colouring Book (Paperback)

A Discussion of Howard Hill and the Longbow (Paperback)

Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of [J. Lee At] Hartwell House (Arranged by J. Bonomi) (Paperback)

Lectures of the History of the Church of Scotland (Hardcover)

A Grateful Nation Soon Forgot: The remarkable story of Southend's contribution in defence of the nation (Hardcover)

A Grateful Nation Soon Forgot: The remarkable story of Southend's contribution in defence of the nation (Paperback)

Listen and Imagine (Paperback)

Veganism: Everything You Ought to Know on Vegan Diet (Paperback)

Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Hartwell House (Paperback)

Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Hartwell House (Hardcover)

Creating Wealth in St Louis with STLREIA: Your Gateway to St Louis Real Estate Investing Today (Paperback)

Soup Diet Cookbook: The Best Recipe for Soup Diet (Paperback)

Healing Heart Deficiency Made Easy: The Easiest Way to Cure Heart Failure (Paperback)

Mister Neapolitan and the Ice Cream March! (Paperback)

Essentials of Excel Vba, Python, and R: Volume II: Financial Derivatives, Risk Management and Machine Learning (00022022) (Hardcover)

Essentials of Excel Vba, Python, and R: Volume I: Financial Statistics and Portfolio Analysis (00022022) (Hardcover)

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