eBook: How Sweet It Is (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Robin Lee Hatcher 
系列: A Legacy of Faith Novel
分類: Fiction & related items  
書城編號: 20529802

售價: $117.00

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製造商: Thomas Nelson
出版日期: 2020/07/14
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780785219361
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He lost his brother. She lost her dream. Together, they might find what they're really looking for.Holly Stanford is doing the best she can with the restaurant she inherited from her late uncle. But after her fiance abandons her and the business, Holly regrets having given up her dream of becoming a pastry chef. Now a few bad financial decisions might cost her everything, including her hope for the future.Jed Henning has done well with his new company despite his prodigal brother's behavior. When Jed';s father, the controlling member of the board of directors, temporarily suspends operations until his sons work out their differences, Jed resentfully chases his brother, Chris, to Boise. There Jed rents a basement apartment from Holly and hopes to convince Chris to get his act together before their company collapses.Unaware that Holly is the one person who can help him get through to Chris, Jed starts the tough work of reconciliation armed with little more than a few family photographs, a stack of old letters, and a Bible that belonged to his great-grandfather, Andrew Henning. And as romance blossoms between Holly and Jed, the story of Jed's great-grandfather highlights the power of God across the generations and the legacy of a family's courageous faith.
A Legacy of Faith Novel

eBook: How Sweet It Is (DRM PDF)

eBook: How Sweet It Is (DRM EPUB)

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Robin Lee Hatcher 作者作品表

Wishing for Mistletoe: A Small Town Christian Romance (Paperback)

Rich Beyond Measure: Zlata's Story (Paperback)

To Marry an English Lord (MP3 CD)

To Marry an English Lord (Compact Disc)

To Marry an English Lord: A Sweet Western Romance (Paperback)

A Wish and a Prayer (Paperback)

The Forgiving Hour (Paperback)

Beyond the Shadows (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (Compact Disc)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart: A Sweet Victorian Romance (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (MP3 CD)

Like the Wind ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

All She Ever Dreamed: A Christian Western Romance (Paperback)

Like the Wind (Compact Disc)

Like the Wind (MP3 CD)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM PDF)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM PDF)

I'll Be Seeing You (Compact Disc)

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